Thursday 1 May 2014

Angels Play Harp in Heaven ...

1 SAM 16:23Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

If you read my first post on Soul Music Healing, you know that music appeared early in my life as if it needed to play through me. Family members claimed that I was a musician because the portrait of Saint Cecilia** was hanging over my bed--  **Catholic Saint patron of musicians ...( -
 ''There are no coincidences - coincidence is the name God takes when he wants to stay 'incognito'' - as the saying goes.''

All my life, I have been fascinated  by the healing properties of sound, of music and later on my spiritual journey, by the special effects of chanting.

It is now well known and backed by scientific researches that :
  • Sound has the power to change the vibration inside and outside the body and thus to correct alterations
  • Music restores balance the two brain hemispheres 
  • Music induces a feeling of well-being and creativity, a change that lasts long after the music has stopped playing.   
  • Chanting mantras frees hidden emotions and employs breath

And, ever since I became a Soul Music Healer, I have deepened my searches to further discover the specific healing properties of the harp.   Recent Clinical studies in Arizona, on intensive care patients, showed that the harp had regulatory effects on the blood pressure of patients; the sound of the harp has the property to bring back vital functions into normal balance, which is a key element to install a 'cure'. ( Study conducted at The University of Arizona Medical Center measuring the physical effects of harp music on patients in the intensive care unit  --The University of Arizona Medical Center | July 30, 2012).

Master Sha explains the Four Power Techniques, which are:  body power, sound power, mind power and soul power. 

In every book of the Soul Power Series, Master Sha teaches that the Four Power Techniques transform all life.  Within each book, he explains and describe each power extensively and summarize it all with one sentence secret.  For now, let me focus on the 'Sound Power'.   The one sentence secret for the Sound Power is :  What you chant is what you become.   This clearly highlights the power of vibration and sound over one's body - one's bodies*, I should say.

*Yes, many traditions teach that we have a physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body.

But to add to all this, Master Sha offers treasure downloads which carry Divine and Tao frequency and vibration which can transform the frequency and vibration of your health, relationships, finances, intelligence, and more.  The treasures also carry Divine and Tao love, which melts all blockages and transforms all life; Divine forgiveness which brings inner joy and inner peace.; Divine compassion, which boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity and finally, they carry Divine and Tao light which heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body and transforms relationships, finances and every aspect of life.

The Soul Music Healer is one of the many Divine treasure that I did receive during the Soul Music workshop.

Imagine !   All these amazing treasures combined to the sound of the harp :  it brings miracles wrapped in golden notes ...

                                                                   ... more to come in two weeks !