Friday 3 October 2014

Celine Benoit's Tao Harp Music of Guang Liang Hao Mei

More than music ... a soul healing blessing

Just looked high and low for the best definition(s) of blessing and here is what I found :

God's favor and protection

a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection &

the act of praying for divine protection.

“to endue with power for success, prosperity, fecundity, longevity, etc.”°

All of the above we should say when it comes to Soul Music Healing --  The Soul Music Healing treasure that was created by Divine, Tao, The Source, at the request of  Master Sha, is an amazing gift that was shared with humanity.

Yes, music has the power to make all your cells vibrate and this makes music, in itself, a true gift to humanity - when used with the right intention, in the most peaceful way.  Over and above this wonderful fact, when music is filled with Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Compassion and Divine Forgiveness, Divine Beauty and what is most appropriate for the soul, miracles happen right before us.

I am forever grateful and feel truly 'blessed' for this unique opportunity to be a Soul Music Healer -  furthermore, truly 'blessed' that this treasure serves others on their healing journey.  It is amazing how it can transform lives. It is amazing how it has transformed mine !

The following short video is an excerpt from Master Sha's Source Song & Source Dance Concert last June.  Guang Liang Hao Mei was the theme purposefully picked for the occasion.  As Master Sha explains:
Guang means light
Liang means transparency
Hao means perfect, get well

Mei means beauty

Guang Liang Hao Mei means transparent light brings inner and outer beauty.
 - Soul Healing Miracle Book, p. 161.

Master Sha states in his book how this transparent light brings qualities to our soul, our mind and our body - in an out; don't we all want that ?