Friday 3 October 2014

Celine Benoit's Tao Harp Music of Guang Liang Hao Mei

More than music ... a soul healing blessing

Just looked high and low for the best definition(s) of blessing and here is what I found :

God's favor and protection

a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection &

the act of praying for divine protection.

“to endue with power for success, prosperity, fecundity, longevity, etc.”°

All of the above we should say when it comes to Soul Music Healing --  The Soul Music Healing treasure that was created by Divine, Tao, The Source, at the request of  Master Sha, is an amazing gift that was shared with humanity.

Yes, music has the power to make all your cells vibrate and this makes music, in itself, a true gift to humanity - when used with the right intention, in the most peaceful way.  Over and above this wonderful fact, when music is filled with Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Compassion and Divine Forgiveness, Divine Beauty and what is most appropriate for the soul, miracles happen right before us.

I am forever grateful and feel truly 'blessed' for this unique opportunity to be a Soul Music Healer -  furthermore, truly 'blessed' that this treasure serves others on their healing journey.  It is amazing how it can transform lives. It is amazing how it has transformed mine !

The following short video is an excerpt from Master Sha's Source Song & Source Dance Concert last June.  Guang Liang Hao Mei was the theme purposefully picked for the occasion.  As Master Sha explains:
Guang means light
Liang means transparency
Hao means perfect, get well

Mei means beauty

Guang Liang Hao Mei means transparent light brings inner and outer beauty.
 - Soul Healing Miracle Book, p. 161.

Master Sha states in his book how this transparent light brings qualities to our soul, our mind and our body - in an out; don't we all want that ?

Thursday 21 August 2014

When Music Started to Play Through Me ...

Music is the poetry of the air. ~Richter

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. ~Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name

... healing myself as I became a soul music healer... while pulling each string of my heart- euh, harp ! 

After the Soul Healing Workshop, when I got back home, I did with the harp what I could do on a keyboard, playing a melody while reading the score. First song that came to mind for the harp was 'Love Peace Harmony Sacred Soul song'.  At first, it truly sounded much like when people new to music learn to play 'twinkle twinkle little star' ...

Then, one morning, after the Divine Channel early training, I spontaneously went on the harp and played 'God's Light' - the fingers were literally playing by themselves and my mind would watch in disbelief : how was I  able to make such quick progress ?

As trained musicians know, the normal learning process, for any instrument, is to do your scales, do your practices - practice again and again- to train your mind and transfer the playing reflex into the subconscious mind to gain ease, and flow.   But this time, the experience was totally different; it felt like the 'command' to each finger did not go through my mind...

When being curious is a blessing.

I should confess that curiosity has led the way many times on my path - after all, it did lead me to rent a harp to go to the Soul Music Healer workshop.  This type of situation in my life is  a recurring theme - curiosity is a strong pulling force.  So, I became curious to see what I could play if I would stop 'thinking' how to play. That is probably when I truly realized the effect of the Soul Music Healer treasure :  I played (or was it me ?) better if I would look away from the harp or close my eyes and ... and let the fingers play as if they had a mind of their own.  Remember, I never played the harp, in this lifetime, prior to June 2013!

As strange as it felt at first, it became a true reward - each time a great meditative moment for me - to go sit in the meditation room and play the harp.  It deeply touched me and opened my heart.  Many times, I would hear the note in my head and my fingers, while my eyes were closed, would automatically fall on the appropriate strings :  wow !  This is a musician's dream come true.   I could also feel surrounded when I would play, I should say I would feel blessed - truly blessed.

It took me a little extra dose of courage to play for others ... but I got around the 'shyness' during forgiving practices, over the phone, by playing God's Light.   Then, one day, I finally had the courage to offer a blessing to a friend, again over the phone.  Meanwhile, as I was also noticing transformation in myself through learning the Tao Jing ... all of this made me feel like a child who slowly starts to walk, gains confidence and starts exploring further and further with joy and amazement.

If there were any doubts remaining in me, by the end of 2013, I knew I was a Soul Music Healer in my heart and soul. This profound desire to play harp since childhood was a soul calling on my spiritual path -- most likely, this is where the harp playing longing came from.  I don't know if you  have ever experienced that feeling; but for me, suddenly, the scattered puzzle pieces of my life were falling into place.  All these previous music gigs were making sense, suddenly the reason for playing music at the Sunday mass also made sense ...  crying and weeping of joy, my heart opened tremendously through all these profound realizations and I was filled with gratitude ... thank you the Source, thank you Tao, thank you Divine, thank you Master Sha!

Next ...  
                       ... the first healing blessings 'in person' -- creating healing miracles... 

Thursday 1 May 2014

Angels Play Harp in Heaven ...

1 SAM 16:23Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

If you read my first post on Soul Music Healing, you know that music appeared early in my life as if it needed to play through me. Family members claimed that I was a musician because the portrait of Saint Cecilia** was hanging over my bed--  **Catholic Saint patron of musicians ...( -
 ''There are no coincidences - coincidence is the name God takes when he wants to stay 'incognito'' - as the saying goes.''

All my life, I have been fascinated  by the healing properties of sound, of music and later on my spiritual journey, by the special effects of chanting.

It is now well known and backed by scientific researches that :
  • Sound has the power to change the vibration inside and outside the body and thus to correct alterations
  • Music restores balance the two brain hemispheres 
  • Music induces a feeling of well-being and creativity, a change that lasts long after the music has stopped playing.   
  • Chanting mantras frees hidden emotions and employs breath

And, ever since I became a Soul Music Healer, I have deepened my searches to further discover the specific healing properties of the harp.   Recent Clinical studies in Arizona, on intensive care patients, showed that the harp had regulatory effects on the blood pressure of patients; the sound of the harp has the property to bring back vital functions into normal balance, which is a key element to install a 'cure'. ( Study conducted at The University of Arizona Medical Center measuring the physical effects of harp music on patients in the intensive care unit  --The University of Arizona Medical Center | July 30, 2012).

Master Sha explains the Four Power Techniques, which are:  body power, sound power, mind power and soul power. 

In every book of the Soul Power Series, Master Sha teaches that the Four Power Techniques transform all life.  Within each book, he explains and describe each power extensively and summarize it all with one sentence secret.  For now, let me focus on the 'Sound Power'.   The one sentence secret for the Sound Power is :  What you chant is what you become.   This clearly highlights the power of vibration and sound over one's body - one's bodies*, I should say.

*Yes, many traditions teach that we have a physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body.

But to add to all this, Master Sha offers treasure downloads which carry Divine and Tao frequency and vibration which can transform the frequency and vibration of your health, relationships, finances, intelligence, and more.  The treasures also carry Divine and Tao love, which melts all blockages and transforms all life; Divine forgiveness which brings inner joy and inner peace.; Divine compassion, which boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity and finally, they carry Divine and Tao light which heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body and transforms relationships, finances and every aspect of life.

The Soul Music Healer is one of the many Divine treasure that I did receive during the Soul Music workshop.

Imagine !   All these amazing treasures combined to the sound of the harp :  it brings miracles wrapped in golden notes ...

                                                                   ... more to come in two weeks !

Thursday 17 April 2014

Soul Music Healer Training in Toronto

As it was introduced in the first post, you all know by now that  my soul responded to the calling of becoming a Soul Music Healer through Master Sha's teachings.

Just a little more than a week before the workshop,  I was sitting in front of my computer going through all the booking process.   For this special retreat, we were told to bring our own musical instrument, one we didn't know how to play ...  there was a guitar waiting for me in this house, so it seemed logical that it would be the one I would bring.

Then, something - I do purposely write 'something' - made me google 'harp'; ''how much crazier can I get?'', I thought.  Well, believe it or not, I found a music school that was renting harps - I couldn't believe it. Suddenly, taking the guitar with me was no longer an appealing option.  And, miraculously, everything just fell into place so that I could make the renting arrangements, pick up the harp and take an introductory class on how to hold the harp, place the fingers and so on, just a day before leaving :  heaven !

What a journey I embarked with that workshop!  We made it safe and 'sound' to the hotel. And there, I think I started to realize the magnitude of everything that was unfolding before me.  It was the first one-week workshop live with Master Sha, that in itself can hardly be described - there is something about being in his presence that changes the whole perspective on things - I mean on everything.  The workshop was not webcasted and that too added to the charm and ambiance of it.

To add to the beauty of it all, for the first time, I had the chance to meet almost all the World Wide Representatives & Divine Channels.  There was a form of excitement in the air; everybody wanted to discover new instruments.  - I reconnected to long lost soul family members...  This also was heart opening.  It had the feeling of a good Christmas eve's family party.

We were able to witness how each blessing improved everyone's ability to play their instrument; Master Peter was one stunning demonstration, as his flute playing drastically improved with each new order.  Then, I will always remember, Master Marilyn doing a snare drum solo in front all of us: it just seemed like a new person had come to play through her - unbelievable.   Master Sha played some piano - and later, all of us played together in a Universal Soul Symphony -  all of it was simply out of this world.  

Throughout the week, we did forgiveness practices to clear soul mind body blockages specifically around music in this lifetime or previous ones, as well as many other practices to open the heart and clear the soul song channel.-  I will explain this and the practices further in following posts.

By the end of the week, I could make decent musical sound come out of the harp.  Well, I mean, the harp was making beautiful sounds and my mind was not so much slowing or getting in the way of what the soul wanted to play!  Third eye images shared by participants revealed that the fingers (mine, yes the ones on my hands) were guided by the light ... and angels would surround me when I was playing - that spells like miracle to me.    Since the Divine download received that week, the music the harp & I play carries Divine frequency and offers healing blessing to those who receive them.   This is a miracle and truly and dream come true !

... more to come ... in two weeks ...

Thursday 3 April 2014

The Music Debut ...

Ahhhh music !
Harp music.

Another miracle just happened again tonight as I sat behind the harp; so far the 'most wonderful heart openings' keep unfolding right there, at the pull of a few strings and the guidance from Heaven.  Each time, music and sound magically make their way where nothing else can enter... it is a 'take me home' feeling; where is home ?

Where to start?

 Music was introduced in our family home through my mother's and sister's desire to learn to play the organ.  Unfortunately, for both of them, time constraints forced them to abandon the adventure not long after it had started.  There I was.  I was 8 then. By carefully watching and listening to them, I had managed to play all they had learnt without taking one single lesson.   I guess music was already a soul calling way back then...

It did not take long for my mother to switch  pupils at the music school ... It didn't take long either for Sister Durivage, to figure out I could be the organ player for the young choir at the Sunday mass, serving the Divine through music, with a child's heart.   And before I could really understand what had happened, I was playing music in public - I was rather shy then ... how did I manage ?  Probably, the first miracles had happened right there.

Looking back, I can say that music lifted me from a teenage depression; truth being, while I was playing music and singing, everything went well and I was feeling alright.  Music heals, music rock your soul like a baby.  And it went on like this until I move out of my parents' house - every weekend, I would sing and play music.

To all, this seemed like what I wanted, but truly, I wasn't thrilled at all to play music publicly and on top, playing the organ was not my choice - harp would have been my pick or dancing.  For as long as I can remember, I dreamt of playing the harp - a longing. But harps are expensive instruments.  This did deter me from playing and getting one.  As for dancing, well it was tossed away by mother; was she inspired ?  I suppose in many ways, all mothers are.

But harp...There is something to the sound of this instrument - something airy - fairy.   Don't you think so too?

As my life went on, raising up two children, music stayed in my heart but it was not the heart of my life.
In the Walt Disney screen adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk , the story villainies the giant by blaming Happy Valley's hard times on Willy's theft of the magic harp, whose song kept the land prosperous...
As this became one of the kid's favorite movies, the harp started to haunt me again with no true hope of getting one, again due to a long list of priorities.   Just another 'one of these days' thing in the back of my mind.

Obviously, there would be no point in writing such a blog without a happy turnaround in the story.

Well - here it comes.  June 2013.  I had been following Master Sha for just a little more than a year. The encounter of this master, in itself, was an amazing and strange story, as I already was following another spiritual leader that I loved dearly.  I witnessed Master Sha perform many miracles and, in my own life, depression had 'healed' after receiving Divine services.  One day, as I was watching a webcast, I heard the announcement of a special training - Soul Music Healer - a week of special training to become a soul healer through music.  There was no question in my mind, this was for me!

 And this is where it truly starts.  But this is where this post ends for now.  'La suite' in  ... in two weeks ... I'll keep you 'posted' if you 'follow me'*!    

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