Thursday 3 April 2014

The Music Debut ...

Ahhhh music !
Harp music.

Another miracle just happened again tonight as I sat behind the harp; so far the 'most wonderful heart openings' keep unfolding right there, at the pull of a few strings and the guidance from Heaven.  Each time, music and sound magically make their way where nothing else can enter... it is a 'take me home' feeling; where is home ?

Where to start?

 Music was introduced in our family home through my mother's and sister's desire to learn to play the organ.  Unfortunately, for both of them, time constraints forced them to abandon the adventure not long after it had started.  There I was.  I was 8 then. By carefully watching and listening to them, I had managed to play all they had learnt without taking one single lesson.   I guess music was already a soul calling way back then...

It did not take long for my mother to switch  pupils at the music school ... It didn't take long either for Sister Durivage, to figure out I could be the organ player for the young choir at the Sunday mass, serving the Divine through music, with a child's heart.   And before I could really understand what had happened, I was playing music in public - I was rather shy then ... how did I manage ?  Probably, the first miracles had happened right there.

Looking back, I can say that music lifted me from a teenage depression; truth being, while I was playing music and singing, everything went well and I was feeling alright.  Music heals, music rock your soul like a baby.  And it went on like this until I move out of my parents' house - every weekend, I would sing and play music.

To all, this seemed like what I wanted, but truly, I wasn't thrilled at all to play music publicly and on top, playing the organ was not my choice - harp would have been my pick or dancing.  For as long as I can remember, I dreamt of playing the harp - a longing. But harps are expensive instruments.  This did deter me from playing and getting one.  As for dancing, well it was tossed away by mother; was she inspired ?  I suppose in many ways, all mothers are.

But harp...There is something to the sound of this instrument - something airy - fairy.   Don't you think so too?

As my life went on, raising up two children, music stayed in my heart but it was not the heart of my life.
In the Walt Disney screen adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk , the story villainies the giant by blaming Happy Valley's hard times on Willy's theft of the magic harp, whose song kept the land prosperous...
As this became one of the kid's favorite movies, the harp started to haunt me again with no true hope of getting one, again due to a long list of priorities.   Just another 'one of these days' thing in the back of my mind.

Obviously, there would be no point in writing such a blog without a happy turnaround in the story.

Well - here it comes.  June 2013.  I had been following Master Sha for just a little more than a year. The encounter of this master, in itself, was an amazing and strange story, as I already was following another spiritual leader that I loved dearly.  I witnessed Master Sha perform many miracles and, in my own life, depression had 'healed' after receiving Divine services.  One day, as I was watching a webcast, I heard the announcement of a special training - Soul Music Healer - a week of special training to become a soul healer through music.  There was no question in my mind, this was for me!

 And this is where it truly starts.  But this is where this post ends for now.  'La suite' in  ... in two weeks ... I'll keep you 'posted' if you 'follow me'*!    

*Enter your email in the box below to receive it automatically; and please, do not hesitate to share.


  1. Dear Celine, wonderful story and it touches my heart. Can't wait to read the next chapter. Love, henderson

    1. Thank you Master Henderson ! I truly appreciate your comment.
      Love & peace.

  2. Celine, I am glad that you are following your harp, oops, I mean heart!

    1. Cynthia, I am glad to read your post on your blog too ... great family Lady !
